Three Sixty Group shares some thoughts on the new Trimble X12

We catch up with Three Sixty Group to find out how they've been getting on with the new Trimble X12 3D Laser Scanner

Our clients expect the very best from us and that means we’ve got to provide the very best end product and in turn, that relies on great equipment capable of generating great data. The new Trimble X12 fits the bill perfectly

Neil Pollock, Director, Three Sixty Group

A few weeks ago, our KOREC Laser Scanning Sector Specialist, Melvin Penwill, got his hands on one of the first Trimble X12’s in the country. He was only too happy to put it through some rigorous testing and then share his opinions, including his 6 highest rated features, in a useful LinkedIn Post.

At some point, he was persuaded to let the customers have a go too!

About Three Sixty Group

Operating nationally, Three Sixty Group works across a diverse range of sectors from Utilities and Rail to heritage and listed buildings. The company has a fleet of 3D Laser Scanners that includes three Trimble X7’s as well as instruments from other manufacturers.

We caught up with Director, Neil Pollock, who’s been using the X12 for a floor flatness survey in a vast, engine manufacturing plant in Derby.  With specified tolerances of just +/- 2-3mm for aspects of this job, it was the perfect testing ground for the X12 which was used both indoors for the high accuracy floor survey, and externally for an overall building survey where scans were undertaken with a range of up to 100m.

X12 scan of the warehouse

Here’s what Neil rated:

Slice through the floor slab showing the scan data spread in the vertical of only 1mm!

Neil concludes: “The data from the X12 is just so clean, and that makes it very, very easy to work with across every job. In short, the better the data, the higher the quality of the product that we can provide all our customers with. This is especially important for our heritage work which is growing all the time. Our clients expect the very best from us and that means we’ve got to provide the very best product and in turn, that relies on great equipment capable of generating great data. The new Trimble X12 fits the bill perfectly.”

Thank you to Neil Pollock for chatting to us about his X12 experiences

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