Applanix POSPac Mobile Mapping Suite

Applanix POSPac Mobile Mapping Suite

For maximum accuracy in all mobile mapping applications

POSPac Mobile Mapping Suite, now with POSPac Trimble Post-Processed CenterPoint® RTX™ (POSPac PP-RTX), is Applanix’ next generation, industry-leading software for Direct Georeferencing of mobile mapping sensors using GNSS and inertial technology. Optimized for all environments and platforms (air, land, and marine) and compatible with a variety of mapping sensors, this smart software solution achieves both maximum accuracy and maximum efficiency for Direct Georeferencing.

Full Description

  • POSPac Trimble Post-processed CenterPoint® RTX™ (POSPac PP-RTX) trajectory processing, available on subscription basis
  • LiDAR Quality Control Tools for UAV applications, for IMU boresight and trajectory adjustment
  • Automatic base station survey using static POSPac PP-RTX
  • "Know before you go" Quality Control licenses for GNSS processing in the field
  • Elimination of Node-locked license – share a single license across a network or between computers


Tech Specs

Key Features

  • POSPac Trimble Post-processed CenterPoint® RTX™ (POSPac PP-RTX) trajectory processing, available on subscription basis
  • LiDAR Quality Control Tools for UAV applications, for IMU boresight and trajectory adjustment
  • Automatic base station survey using static POSPac PP-RTX
  • "Know before you go" Quality Control licenses for GNSS processing in the field
  • Elimination of Node-locked license – share a single license across a network or between computers



Tech Specs


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